Hi, I'm Vivian and I'm here to help you
Born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1968, I have been living in Berlin (Germany) since 2007 with interim stays in the USA and Colombia. I am a menopause and nutrition counsellor, hormone specialist, foodie, hobby cook of mainly vegetarian and vegan dishes and flexitarian by conviction. Working with individuals (mainly women), businesses and organizations around the world, I provide science-based information and support around menopause.

Because every woman and every menopause is unique

I am here to convey to you that, while both aging and the associated hormonal changes are inevitable, you can minimize the associated discomfort by making the changes that your body and mind need, but above all by seeing this stage as a “turning point” where you have the possibility to decide where you want your “ship” to go.
The challenge is to find your own way to experience this phase of your life with joy and well-being.
As a menopause and nutrition counsellor and a hormone specialist, I accompany you with empathy, flexibility and scientific support, giving you the information and support you need to reach your goals and become the best version of yourself.
Academic and professional training
- Nutritional Science, B.Sc. – IU International University of Applied Sciences (4th semester)
- Menopause Consultant – Impulse e.V.
- Nutritionist – Training Centre for Therapeutic Professions (Bildungswerk für therapeutische Berufe)
- Nutritionist Specialized in Medicinal Herbalism – Training Centre for Therapeutic Professions (Bildungswerk für therapeutische Berufe)
- Hormone Specialist – “Hormone Self-Help, Naturally Bringing Hormones into Balance” (Hormonselbsthilfe – Hormone natürlich ins Gleichgewicht bringen)
- Health Consultant in the Field of Nutrition – Independent Health Counselling (Unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung)
- Course Leader and Consultancy – Independent Health Counselling (Unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung)
- Menopause Seminar – Dr. Heide Fischer (gynaecologist, women’s health specialist)
- Woman in Change – Federal Working Group for Menopausal Counselling (Frau im Wechsel – Bundesweite Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Beratung in den Wechseljahren)
- European Menopause and Andropause Society
- German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V.)
- Society for Nutrition Therapy and Prevention (Fachgesellschaft für Ernährungstherapie und Prävention e.V.)
- Independent Health Counselling (Unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung e.V.)
- Hormone Self-Help – Naturally Bringing Hormones into Balance (Hormonselbsthilfe – Hormone natürlich ins Gleichgewicht bringen)
- Society for Phytotherapy (Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e.V.)